ni perbualan antara saya dgn minah ni..
janet: Hello seller.
Am Janet i will like to buy this
item of ours you can contact me Via email
Get back to me soon as possible.
saya : hai janet.
you can call me 0176818186.
last price rm1400.
Thanks for the Reply,i'm from Scotland But i want to Buy it for my
kid in Nigeria I will pay for the shipping charges,You will ship the
item DHL Office and i will pay through Bank to Bank Transfer,so get
back to me with the below information
Name of Account Holder Name :
Bank Name:
Phone Number
I wait your Reply
saya: OK never mind..
tomorrow i will ask to DHL about the shipping charge.
then i will tell you the overall of payment and my detail..
janet: Thanks for the reply
OK i will be looking forward to see your reply, get back to me asap
setelah pg ke DHL tuk tanye pasl shipping charge..
saya : hi.
total cost include shipping charges is RM2400/USD794.
you need to transfer the money to my acc first.
after the money is already in my acc, a will ship the ps3 to you.
Name of Account Holder Name : saya bin bapak saya (kt dlm email yg betol sye pakai name betol tau..)
Bank Name: CIMB BANK
Account no : 031........
Branch : kuala lumpur
Price+shipment : USD794
Phone Number : 0176818186
janet: So regarding the payment.. i will pay you through bank transfer and i was
told that is the secure way of sending money worldwide and I'm going to make
payment from my bank which is ( Royal Bank Of Scotland ) ... and my bank
can transfer to any account and you will be able to receive your cash
payment immediately.
1 Once you have send me your account information, i will go to my bank
and make the payment and once i finish the payment,you will just wait for
the email from my bank which inform you that i made the payment
2 So once you got the email from my bank, you will need to go and send
the item and scan the shipment receipt to my bank at(Royal Bank of Scotland)
and once my bank got the shipment receipt they will remit the funds to your
account and you will be able to receive your cash payment at your bank
immediately.my bank will serve as a third party to protect both the buyer
and the seller so as to make sure the business goes smooth and fine, and i
hope this protects both of us .So once you agree with the payment procedure
i will proceed with the payment.
wait for reply
tgk..kt cni dh nmpak unsur2 scam die..
saya: whataver you say, i want money cash in my acc first..
janet: send the item and scan the receipt to the bank ,so that they will
remit your account.
do you understand now
mangkuk betol..mase bile plak de prosedur kne scan receipt dlu..nampak sgt menipu...
dh tau mmg minah ni nk menipu,aku bals jela msj die..nk tau akal die...
saya: i understand that i will gullible if i do like that..
you should remit by Western Union..it more safety..
janet: if you want to deal with me let me know ,coz my bank handles my online tracations and that is their procedure coz am a busy lady been a medical doctor
hakh tuiii...!
saya: whatever...if you want close this deal, just make sure the money is
already transfer to my CIMB ACC first..this is obligation.
janet: You have to ship the item first before the bank can remit your
account,and scan the receipt to the bank
saya: fwak men..
janet: What do you mean and what is your pro?
pehtu maleh dh aku nk layan...
mujur xpecaye kt die bult2..klo x naya je..
kepada anda diluar sane klo dpt email cmni hati2 la ye..mmg klo berjaya close kite leh dpt untung besr sbb matawang kita lebey rendh dr die..so kite leh markup lbey..tp klo dh kne tipu melopong jela...
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